Crouching silence – hidden power
I crouched in the middle of your path. I vouched your existence. Stumbling stone – right pain in a wrong foot; your freedom is lame. I am the iron stick pointing at myself – crouching silence in the midst of you.
I crouched in the middle of your path. I vouched your existence. Stumbling stone – right pain in a wrong foot; your freedom is lame. I am the iron stick pointing at myself – crouching silence in the midst of you.
Have you ever been fired?
Have you been threaten to be fired?
Did you ever considered been fired as a threat?
This is not “Mind manipulation (9)”.
Let see how did we come to the point of self manipulation.
Today is my son’s birthday. (It is almost the end of the day) Happy Birthday, son!
This is article #8 We will not talk about mind manipulation. We will imagine: One day without cars, air plains, motto bikes, trucks and anything that burns fuel. One day without cigarettes. One day without alcohol. One day without advertising. One day without movies. Read more…
As we already said, mind manipulation works with “I WANT”.
“I WANT” includes all feelings and emotions.
The more feelings and emotions you have, the more manipulative you are.
That is why the manipulator is increasing their number all the time.
Of course after you are filled with all the feelings and emotions, the manipulator must keep them alive in you.
And you are reminded all the time: REMEMBER!
After the apartheid in South Africa fell, there was Reconciliation.
I was lucky to see the final moments of the Reconciliation tribune.
So, where we were?
Creating symbols for mind manipulation.
Before we go further in the mind manipulation, I’d like to get clear about one thing:
what you see, read, hear and feel is not what it really is.
Even these articles are not exactly what they look like.
On a first thought they may look like I’m trying to help you.
Not at all.